Thriving Facilitators Membership
If you are a heart-centred practitioner who wants to make a difference serving your communities with integrity and presence, and you know its vital that your wellbeing needs to be taken care of - I'm excited because I know you're in the right place.
The Thriving Facilitators Membership has been designed to be an affordable solution to help you to grow as a practitioner, whatever stage you are at - supporting you to serve your communities with integrity and purpose whilst helping you get out of survival-mode and thrive.
Coaching &
As an organisation I know you need to ensure that your team is supported in their front-line work with vulnerable and hard-to-reach communities.
Through group coaching and supervision I enable your team the opportunity reflect on the social, emotional and practical experience of the work. Reflective practice creates a safe, collaborative space for participants to explore their personal responses in relation to the whole. The group, established through good practices of listening, empathy and compassion, are enabled to support one another which means that individuals won't feel isolated, but connected and purposeful remaining valuable team members as a result.
Current clients include Just for Kids Law, Disability Advice Service Lambeth, The Round House, and Kazzum Arts
Coaching &
When we are working in a high pressured, stressful settings, it can be really difficult to see the wood for the trees. As your coach, I will help you sort out what really matters. I'll help you to understand your thinking, support you to unlock your wisdom and creativity to explore new ways of looking at and seeing your experience.
I will work intuitively and responsively with you - really listening and asking powerful questions - inviting your reflections as you gain freedom from anxious thinking and find instead, peace of mind, clarity and direction.